Englewood Makes History

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  • Englewood Housing Authority.jpg

    The Englewood Housing Authority was created in 1976 with Michael Terrace as the first Executive Director. The organization is made of a seven-member board. The director appoints five, the mayor appoints one, and the Department of Community Affairs appoints one. Originally founded to build the Vincente K. Tibbs Senior Center the organization has since created numerous housing developments. In 1981 Westmoor Gardens was built. In 1991 167-169 Morse Place was rehabilitated. In 2001 the organization purchased the John Foti building on 115 Humphery Street. In 2014 the organization worked at the Rock Creek Terrace and Parkview housing complexes. 
  • Vincente K. Tibbs Senior Center.jpg

    The Englewood Housing Authority opened the Vincente K. Tibbs Senior Housing Center in 1976. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development funded it. As of 2017, the building was converted into a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) project.
  • Actors Fund Home.jpg

    The Actors' Fund Home is an assisted living facility operated by the Actors Fund. It is a location for retired entertainers to live. The Fund opened a retirement home in Staten Island which moved to Englewood in 1928. The home added Lillian Booth's name to the home in 2003 after she pledged two million dollars.
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