Englewood Makes History


Englewood Makes History (EMH) is a project to collect and digitize the fascinating history of Englewood New Jersey. First occupied by the Lenni Lenape people, in the 16h and 17th century, Dutch and English colonists established farms in what became known as the English Neighborhood. By the late 18th century, enslaved Africans arrived in the region and did much of the labor growing and harvesting crops, mining, foresting, and construction. In the late 19th century, Englewood's east hill became home to Gilded Age elites including industrialists, inventors, bankers, and politicians. A vibrant working class community of African Americans and Irish and southern and eastern European immigrants developed at the same time across the railroad tracks on the west side of town. These communities worked as domestics, chauffeurs, gardeners on the "hill's" estates, in local factories, and created small businesses. In the 1960s and 1970s, Englewood became increasingly diverse as immigrants from the Caribbean, Asia, and Latin America arrived and contributed to the city's rich and complex ethnic tapestry.

Englewood's diversity has created a dynamic tension that has led the city have an especially rich history and a significant  impact on American politics, economy, and culture. Englewood Makes History seeks to document this history by collecting and digitizing archival material. EMH will digitize existing archives in libraries and seek out archival material in the community. Like a close friend text thread or a family photo sharing group, EMH is a constantly evolving user generated home for diaries, letters, photos and other living memorabilia that preserves and celebrates Englewood’s complex and challenging and magnificent history.